Behavioral Assessments


Behavioral Assessments 〰️

What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment?

When a child is struggling with challenging behaviors, it can be frustrating and confusing for both the child and their caregivers. A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is a research-based approach to understanding why a behavior is happening and how to support positive change.

An FBA is a structured process that helps uncover the root causes of behavior by looking at patterns, triggers, and the child’s environment. Instead of simply addressing the behavior itself, an FBA explores:

  • What is the child trying to communicate?

  • What situations or triggers make the behavior more likely?

  • What skills does the child need to replace challenging behaviors with more effective responses?

By identifying these factors, we can create personalized strategies that work with the child’s strengths and needs—not just temporarily stop the behavior.

How is an FBA Different from Other Assessments?

Many parents are familiar with psychoeducational assessments (which evaluate cognitive and academic abilities) or diagnostic assessments (which can determine diagnoses like ADHD or autism).

A Functional Behavior Assessment is different because it focuses on real-world behavior in everyday settings—at home, in school, and in the community. Rather than diagnosing a condition, an FBA helps answer:

  • What is reinforcing this behavior?

  • How can we adjust the environment to set the child up for success?

  • What strategies will help the child build better coping and communication skills?

How Can an FBA Help?

An FBA is a valuable tool for children who:

✔️ Experience frequent meltdowns, tantrums, or outbursts

✔️ Struggle with transitions or unexpected changes

✔️ Have difficulty following directions or staying on task

✔️ Engage in aggressive, self-injurious, or disruptive behaviors

✔️ Seem anxious, avoidant, or withdrawn in certain situations

Through direct observation, data collection, and collaboration with caregivers and educators, an FBA helps create a clear action plan to support positive behavior change.

What Happens After an FBA?

Once the assessment is complete, we develop an individualized plan with proactive, evidence-based strategies that fit your child’s needs. This plan may include:

  • Changes to the environment to reduce triggers

  • Teaching new skills to replace challenging behaviors

  • Creating structured routines and supports

  • Helping caregivers and teachers implement effective strategies consistently

If you’re looking for real-life solutions to help your child navigate challenges with confidence, an FBA could be the next step. Reach out today to learn more!